Work That Reconnects Network

In 2015 a group of facilitators co-created the Work That Reconnects Network. 

The dream: to support the informal worldwide community of people who practice and have been influenced by the Work That Reconnects (WTR). 

The method: fostering connection among all of these people. Since then, the Network has been evolving as a living system, growing, learning and adapting in response to the needs of our worldwide community.

The formal WTR Network is a small non-profit organization. It serves the much larger self-evolving, organic, worldwide community of WTR facilitators and participants that has been forming since Joanna Macy and others began offering the Work in the 1970s. We continually seek more effective ways to support deeper connections, build strength through diversity, and promote the Work around the world at this time of global transformation.

Some of our current areas of focus include:

  • Calendar of events, including: workshops, retreats, courses hosted by WTR facilitators
  • Deep Times: A Journal of the Work That Reconnects
  • Evolving Edge: an ongoing exploration of anti-oppression and social justice within the WTR
  • Webinars and Conversation Cafés
  • Regional Gatherings and Hubs
  • International projects and initiatives

Our aim is to engage interested community members in leadership, on the core team of Network Weavers and/or in various projects of the Network.

Mailing address: 887 Sonoma Ave, #23, Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Please consider making a donation to Work that Reconnects! You can donate online or make checks payable to ISI with “Work that Reconnects” included in the memo. 

Mailing Address:
887 Sonoma Ave, #23
Santa Rosa, CA 95404


Posted on

December 7, 2020