Money Justice Collaborative


The way governments create and control their money supply supports well-being for all, rather than undermining economic, social, and ecological well-being, as it does today.


Enable social movements to see and leverage the opportunity to transform national money systems into a powerful force for good. History shows such transformations have been won many times before, often in times of political polarization and crisis such as we have today. While the fight to win such a transformation today will not be easy, it is worth it because history also shows that such wins can bring fast-acting relief for problems such as poverty, affordability, inclusion, economic instability, and even ecological stewardship.

What we do:

  • We provide strategic guidance. We empower social movements to advocate for transformational money system policies that match their values and visions for a better world. Our research into past transformations of money systems allows us to guide social movement organizations to strategic points of leverage. Our research into present and proposed money systems helps leaders cut through the complexity of the proposals on the table today.
  • We provide education. We provide briefings and workshops that help groups and individuals coming from diverse backgrounds quickly gain an understanding of:
    • How nations create their money supply today through bank lending
    • Why today’s system of money creation is powerfully intensifying many social, economic, and ecological problems
    • How colonization and financial imperialism led to and reinforce the system we have today
    • How money creation is “re-making” our economy each year by determining which industries and local economies receive investment, or not.
    • What better ways of creating money have been developed and successfully used by human societies, including ways that are proven to be compatible with local economic sovereignty and with large and globally interconnected national economies.
    • How money systems have been successfully transformed in the past and how they can be transformed again today.

Contact Us:

Mailing address: 887 Sonoma Ave, #23, Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Please consider making a donation to Money Justice Collaborative! You can donate online or make checks payable to ISI with “Money Justice Collaborative” in the memo.

Mailing Address:
887 Sonoma Ave, #23 Santa Rosa, CA 95404


Posted on

September 27, 2024