Fueled by a strong desire to see the global “Socio-ecosystem” back in balance, EARTHEART was created. Founded and currently managed by Brett Walker, EARTHEART is working closely with a core group of land stewards and sustainability activists in an advisory capacity. We believe that in making accessible and sharing the healing powers of the nature experience, we can help to re-install an understanding of the importance of our natural resources and a respect for the earth. Our mission is to design solutions, educational exhibits, and models that demonstrate sustainable living principles, core values and practices aimed at fueling the evolution toward a more sustainable future for generations who follow.
Mailing address: 1275 4th St. #371 Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Please consider making a donation to Eartheart! You can donate online or make checks payable to ISI with “Eartheart” included in the memo.
Mailing Address:
1275 4th St. #371
Santa Rosa, CA 95404