The current high school graduation rates as reported by the Department of Education are at 80% which means 1 in 5 students do not finish high school.
For too many kids their family or community circumstance simply doesn’t provide a success-enabling environment. The most determined and able do succeed, but many strive and fall short, become cynical and succumb to the tyranny of low expectations, aging into their parenting years ill-equipped to foster their own families future success. The cycle repeats.
All they need is the right help at the right time. They need to experience a supportive environment that provides the encouragement, guidance and assistance that effective parents and communities do – that their parents would provide if they could.
This is what we do: we deploy an always-on virtual family to create the social and educational infrastructure more affluent or fortunate kids grow-up with, so that program children succeed academically and grow into success-generating parents. Disadvantaged community children manifest graduation and drop-out rates 30% worse than their true peers. We know it’s not biology.
Our vision is to end this evil in a single generational cycle. You can help: your own success is the example they need; we just need to connect it to them.
The solution is surprisingly simple and scalable because the internet allows us to make that connection. We do 2 things: we provide virtual tutoring and coaching to the kids and engage their parents and school in the process so that academic outcomes improve and the children experience how effective parenting operates in the family and family-to-school context. Our coaches and liason-istas are successful parents with the time, skills and life experiences to guide, challenge and nurture. Skills are delivered, lessons are learned, attitudes and expectations raised by osmosis. We build their success as children and their future success as parents, breaking the generational do-loop. This is the teaching people how to fish analogy applied to school-age development.
Technology firms and government grants provide devices and broadband access. Your financial donation goes to stipend payments to the volunteer parent-coaches and subject-matter experts in the network.
Help us to help them.
Mailing address: 1275 4th St. #371 Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Please consider making a donation to K12 Counts! You can donate online or make checks payable to ISI with “K12-Counts” included in the memo.
Mailing Address:
1275 4th St. #371
Santa Rosa, CA 95404