Purpose: Build a workforce and economy that is for the people and by the people. Use cross-sector collaboration to re-imagine a more equitable workforce for all. “We integrate solutions that are grounded in the philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that: “No...
The mission of the Sonoma Mountain Community Trust is to serve as a knowledge hub and a brains trust in support of the community in the Sonoma Valley as it explores a greater level of self determination and direct representation in issues that affect its future over...
The High-Country LGBTQ Youth Alliance is committed to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and inquiry with particular respect to sexual orientation and gender identity for youth 12-18 within Ashe, Avery, and Watauga counties. We facilitate queer visibility by...
FASDNow! is a coalition of individuals and organizations in California with the common vision of seeing FASD recognized as the leading developmental disability in the state. With that recognition, we envision appropriate training of professionals in all systems of...
Our Mission Re-Cede exists to invest in the rest and restoration of racial justice leaders. Our Vision To fund, facilitate and preserve rest equity. Our Purpose We are an inclusive, multiracial, non-profit committed to equity and justice. We believe that the rest of...