R.I.S.K. is a Non-Profit organization that is dedicated to helping families in the Sonoma Valley. Parents often find themselves in difficult situations with their children, and have no place to turn. R.I.S.K. will offer help and referrals to the help that you need.
R.I.S.K is partnering with other groups in the Sonoma Valley like SAY, Boys and Girls Club, Sonoma Mentoring Alliance, and Sonoma Valley High School to centralize information, support and resources. We are here to listen and create a dialogue between parents and the community about raising children in today’s world. Our structure and services are designed to help us to become advocates for parents and children in difficult issues like substance abuse, bullying, academic issues or even trouble fitting in in school.
Mailing address: 1275 4th St. #371 Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Please consider making a donation to R.I.S.K.! You can donate online or make checks payable to ISI with “R.I.S.K.” included in the memo.
Mailing Address:
1275 4th St. #371
Santa Rosa, CA 95404