The Eco-Institute at Sanctuary Farm offers educational programs and resilience-building gatherings dedicated to healing the human-Earth relationship. We strive to be a presence of social and ecological awareness here on Sanctuary Farm, a 28-acre retreat center in central North Carolina- ancestral home of the Occaneechi Saponi, Sissipahaw, Eno, Shakori, Saura, and others who lived in mutually enhancing relationship with the Earth.
Educational programs include a Community Garden Cooperative, Seasonal Celebrations, and Regenerative Permaculture Immersion with a Decolonization Lens co-taught with Indigenous Partners. Our approach has been shaped by relationships with elders such as Joanna Macy, and Thomas Berry, and numerous indigenous teachers who explore the cultural and spiritual roots of the current ecological crisis.
Mailing address: 1275 4th St. #371 Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Please consider making a donation to The Eco-Institute at Sanctuary Farm! You can make checks payable to ISI with “Eco-Institute” included in the memo.
Mailing Address:
1275 4th St. #371
Santa Rosa, CA 95404